Wednesday, 20 November 2013


The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places, the goodliness of my heritage shone so bright today.  I have all the reasons to say to Him: you are the God of my Life, my anchor, my hope, the lifter of my head, the one who showers me with mercy, love and kindness, the one who answers my prayers.
My second son, Onyedikachi - the second of my Generals - turned 8 today. I remember that beautiful Sunday morning on the 20th day of November, 2005 when he came. He seemed in such a hurry to come conquer or how do you explain it.  My wife - the ''Acharaugo'' went into labour about 3am, contraction started gradually, but steadily.  I called up the Gynaecologist and he asked us to hit the clinic at the first break of daylight.  I prepared her, cleaned her up and was ready.  Shortly before 7am, I got her into the car, drove into the clinic at about 7am or a little past.  Barely 15 minutes later, Onyedikachi came forth, beautiful, sweet as I carried him in my arms - my second grand victory, his elder brother had come some 2 years before.  I had yet another grand victory, as my third General, Ifechukwu - my professor - was to come a little over 3 years after.
While I was still celebrating my son, the glorious bombshell of blessing came in from Norway - that great and enviable country in Europe. My younger brother, the one that sucked my mothers breast after me, the one whom limiting situations in Nigeria forced to run away in the hope of finding a good future and actualising his dreams, has just been graciously granted full rights to live freely, work and find fulfilment in that great country.
I am a strong believer in the equality of all men and women created by the Living God.  I strongly believe in the liberty of all to choose to call anywhere in the world home and to be freely allowed to do so if he/she has shown enough will, love and committment to the values and aspirations of such society.  True, I love my country of birth today.  Truer still, I love a few other countries very much.  In these, leadership has not failed the people, true nationalists, statesmen and lovers of the common good still abound - has always abounded. In these, every citizen, from the day of conception, matters and is loved to the best of the states abilities.  In these, citizens are ever prepared to die for fatherland or motherland, whichever you choose.

I am proud that the generation of my bloodline is extending beyound the boundaries of our origin.  I salute again, with great love and worship, the creator himself, the essence of life and the one who knows the end from the beginning.  I salute countries and governments of countries (past and present) of the world, who still give hope to peoples from such countries as mine today. They make us still believe that there can be a true nation state, serving her people in all facets and delivering enduring dividends of a true nation state - freedom, justice, equity, equal opportunities, love and care, etc.

I salute my beloved son, Onyedikach at 8.  I salute my beloved brother, Uchenna on his new status in an enviable country.  I enjoin him to serve and love the country in the best way possible and then soar to whatever heights he wishes.  See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and do no evil.  Fly the banner of our bloodline for we are noble.  Make mama proud, she is a woman of great honour, a mother hard to find.

To the GOD OF MY LIFE, than you so much faithful and loving father.